arg min L(x;Wp) subject to || Wp||O <N
Goal is keep the number of non-zero weights within a pre-determined number
Unstructure pruning vs coarse-grained
- Unstructured is hard to accelerate due to irregular pattern
- However, offers more flexiblity
- Coarse grained less flexible but easy to accelerate
- Weights of convolutional layer have 4 dimensions: Input channels,
- output channels, kernel size height, kernel size width
some of common pruning patterns
- Irregular or fine grained Fine grained pruning
- Pattern-based pruning follow a particular pattern
- Vector-level pruning - prune a row or column
- Kernel-level pruning - Complete kernel
- Channel - Prune a channel or two
- Pattern-based pruning: N:M sparsity, for N contiguous elements prune M
- Pattern based pruning is supported by Nvidia Ampere GPU architectures~ can deliver upt 2x speeds
Neural Network Pruning
Goal is to prune parameters that are less important Magnitude pruning considers weights to large absolute value and removes other weights Importance L1 of